Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My life of a West African

If I was a slave my worst weakness the BOAT! Because I bet I would not even last 2 days on that BOAT! Then when I finally got off the boat I had said,THANK THE LORD I made it! But that was just the beginning... Then I had to SOLD all of us slaves were scared! There were tons and tons of people wanting to buy us!I was hopping to get a person that would care for me...but yeah right I wouldn't because that was just a dream.All the sudden the mayor pointed at me and says SOLD, but i thought to my self maybe i will ind up with a good person.The guy that had bought me had a tall hat.That's when it all started he yelled at me and said, go grow crops and go do this go do that, I just said to my self go with the flow. My worst day was when I got WHIPPED!Then I wanted to kill myself!After that day I got whipped and yelled at all the time so I thought nothing new really.Sometimes I just want to slap my owner and kick! But i hope that i will someday be done with DRAMA. That's what i faced all my slavery life!